Cardano Staking Reporting

  • Operators can export the history of their staking positions on accounts they've got access to.
  • Administrators can review the staking history of all accounts.
Reporting & Balances breakdown

On your account page you have 2 differents places where you can observe your balances :

  1. the top panel with your available balance, your total balance, your pending balance and your total at stake.
  2. the Staking Information panel with the total rewards generated, rolling weekly rewards, and rolling Monthly rewards, as well as your available balance, your current deposit, your withdrawable balance, and the rewards that have been calculated in the previous epoch but not yet sent to your withdrawable balance.
  3. Available balances

    Correspond to your balance minus the deposit you have. Keep in mind ADA don't let you initiate a transaction that would let your account with less than 1 ADA. Please alway keep 1 ADA in your account for convenience.

    The pending transactions you may have will impact that balance.

  4. Total balance

    Correspond to your balance minus the deposit you have. The pending transactions you may have will impact that balance.

  5. Staking Information Panel

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Main validator : it will be the one from your contract

Your staking rewards :

  • Total rewards : Sum of all your withdrawn rewards
  • Last 7 days : Sum of all your withdrawn rewards during the last 7 days
  • Last 30 days : Sum of all your withdrawn rewards during the last 30 days

Appart from your available balance, you'll be presented with

  • the deposit that you registered to te blockchain,
  • your stake address ,
  • the pool ID that you choose to delegate to
  • the withdrawabe balance corresponding to what the network already sent you as rewards
  • the epoch n-1 rewards corresponding to the rewards the network has calculated for you but not yet sent to your withdrawable balance - this balance can be lost if you deregister your account.

  1. API reporting

    Implement advanced reporting tracking capabilities via API, to do so please refer to this developer portal guide.