Run Tradelink as an Administrator

How to Build Your Off-Exchange Trading Network

To get access to Ledger Tradelink, please contact our Client Success and Technical Account Managers to get onboarded.

Configure your network and setup roles

Below is a list of requirements you will need to provide to your Technical Account Manager before commencing the Tradelink onboarding process. These will be used to pre-load information onto your workspace about each previously mentioned role. Each participant of the Network will need to define a Group of Operators and Whitelist Addresses. Once this information has been pre-loaded, the Administrator will be able to begin building the Off Exchange Trading Network. Please note that these groups and whitelists will not be editable until March 2025.


  1. Operator Group - a list users of your workspace (Custodian staff members or API operators) who will be able to:
    • Approve settlements
    • Approve withdrawals
    • Approve arbitrations
  2. Exchange Whitelists - which Tradelink Exchange’s you want to connect with on your network.
  3. Asset Manager Whitelists - which Asset Managers you want to appear on your network.

Asset Managers:

  1. Operator Group - a list users of your workspace (Asset Manager staff members or API operators) who will be able to:
    • Create pledge requests
    • Create withdrawal requests
    • Pre-approve settlements
  2. Withdrawal Whitelists
    • A predefined whitelist containing all the addresses for all the currencies that you want asset manager operators to be able to withdraw to.


  1. Operator Group - a list users of your workspace (Exchange API operators):
    • Create settlement requests
    • Approve pledge requests
    • Create arbitration requests
  2. Pledge/settlement Whitelists
    • A predefined whitelist containing all the addresses for all the currencies that an exchange wants money to be able to settle to

Once this information is provided, you will be able to activate the Tradelink module on your Vault workspace.

Monitor Accounts

Ledger Tradelink dashboard will be available on the left hand menu of the Vault main page. monitor accounts upd

When selecting the Ledger Tradelink option, a dashboard will be displayed to the users (administrators). The dashboard will allow users to see available and pledged balances of the accounts and to control in one place all the Collateral Account statuses and active Operator Users for those accounts.

Connect Your Network

In the “Exchanges” block section, Administrator Users can begin connecting pre-loaded Exchanges and Asset Managers to their Tradelink network.

To do this, users will need to commence the connection flow by clicking “Connect” next to the relevant organisation.

connect your network

Once this process has commenced, the Administrator User will see a pending state next to the relevant organisation.

pending state

The Administrator User will then need to get approvals from other administrators from their organisation, as well as an operator from the counterparty (e.g. the Exchange or Asset Manager). The approvals will show up in the “Requests” tab of the Vault UI as shown below.

requests approval

Once approved, the organisation will show as active in the Tradelink Dashboard.

db activation

Note: To start with Tradelink at least 1 Exchange and 1 Asset Manager must be set up as an API/UI operator and as a group on the platform.

Create Collateral Account

Now the Custodian Administrator can proceed to create a Tradelink Collateral Account by selecting “Create Account” from the Tradelink account dashboard, or from the accounts page by selecting “Create collateral account”.

collateral account upd

At this stage, previously defined groups must be assigned to the roles, with the possibility of being able to restrict the number of Exchanges you select for a specific account.

collateral confirmation upd

Once the roles are defined, the Administrator will need to confirm each of the four following rule sets that relate to the request types offered on the Tradelink service:

  1. Pledge Rules
  2. Settlement Rules
  3. Withdrawal Rules
  4. Arbitration Rules

These rules will be pre-populated with the creator’s and approver’s rights based on the groups selected during the initial assignment of group roles.

No additional configuration on governance rules is required except for the in Settlement rule.

Automatic Re-pledge Rule

The Settlement rule also offers the option of adding a “automatic re-pledge” step for the Asset Manager and Exchange. This will need to be enabled during the collateral account setup process. This is optional and set to be disabled by default. An outline of the benefits of this rule can be found here.

As a custodian admin, you can configure automatic re-pledge requests when creating a collateral account:

  1. Toggle Option: During the collateral account creation flow, you have the option to toggle automatic re-pledge requests on or off.
  2. Exchange Selection: You can select which exchanges you would like this to apply to.
  3. Default Setting: The toggle for automatic re-pledge is turned on by default but can be overridden.

Final Confirmation

Once the Custodian Administrators have carefully reviewed each rule, they can proceed to confirm and approve the Collateral Account creation request on their Ledger device. There will also be a review required from the Asset Manager operator to approve this account.

Once approved by the administrator and operator quorum via their PSDs, the rules defined will be enforced by Ledger Enterprise HSM. It is important to note that until the Account Manager approves the account activation, the account will remain in a pending activation state. Once approved, the account will become active.

confirm pledge rules

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