Operate on Tradelink As A Trading Institution (Asset Manager)

  • AM creates Pledge Increment/Decrement request
  • AM approves creation Pledge Increment/Decrement request
  • AM pre-approves Settlements request
  • AM create Withdrawal request
  • AM approves creation Withdrawal request


Collateral will be pledged by a trading institution (Vault role name: Asset Manager) that is looking to trade at a preferred liquidity provider venue (Vault role name: Exchange) that is part of the Tradelink network and willing to provide a credit line based on assets pledged with the preferred collateral agent (Vault role name: Custodian) running Ledger Enterprise Tradelink.

Each collateral pledging request will require approval from the liquidity provider (Exchange).


As an API operator authorized to pledge on a Tradelink account, the Asset Manager will need to:

  1. Set up an environment on Postman or similar client-side applications and add the following environment variables:

    a. API Key ID

    b. Secret generated during the API operator registration process

    c. URL of your Ledger Enterprise (Vault) instance

env setup

  1. Authenticate as an Asset Manager using the steps described here . This will provide the JWT authorization bearer token ( access_token ) to authenticate.
    GET request
    End point:{{URL}}/auth/token
    Body: {"api_key_id": "{{api_key_id}}","api_key_secret": "{{api_key_secret}}"}
  2. Create a pledge increment/decrement request to lock assets against a liquidity provider (Exchange) on your collateral account.
    The amount pledged is specified in ‘ amount ’ from the pledge account id ‘ pledge_account_id ’ by posting a ‘ CREATE_PLEDGE_INCREMENTrequest .

amount info

POST api_url/requests
Content-Type: application/json
X-Ledger-Workspace: workspace
Authorization: Bearer access_token

  "data": {
    "pledge_account_id": pledge_account_id,
    "pledge_data": {
      "amount": "amount",
      "currency": "currency",
      "account_name": "account_name",
      "exchange_name": "exchange_name"

Example of CURL command:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://api.vault.ledger.com/requests \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-ledger-workspace: workspace' \
  --data '{"type": "CREATE_PLEDGE_INCREMENT","data": {"pledge_account_id": {{pledge_account_id}},"pledge_data": {"amount": "{{amount}}","currency": "{{currency}}","account_name": "{{account_name}}","exchange_name": "{{exchange_name}}"}}}'

Example of response:

  "created_by": {
    "id": 15
  "created_on": "2024-03-19T12:51:56.188832+00:00",
  "expired_at": "2024-03-26T12:51:56.188786+00:00",
  "id": 24,
  "status": "PENDING_APPROVAL",
  "target_id": 8,
  "target_type": "PLEDGE_INCREMENT",
  1. The request creation response contains the ‘request id’ on the response attribute ‘id’. The API operator (Asset Manager) will now need to sign the pledge increment request using this value: `pledge id` (id)
    The instructions on how to sign such a request can be found here .
  2. This will create a pledge increment request that will now need to be approved by the Exchange. Exchange pledge approval is described in the next section, link → here .
  3. Once approved the Asset Manager will receive a confirmation of pledge approval .
  4. If all successful, also on the Exchange side, the Asset Manager is now ready to access the Exchange trading platform where an agreed trading line/open buying power will be available for the Asset Manager to trade on.


As defined prior in the section on collateral account rule definition, the Settlement rule can be set to have a pre-approval required by the Asset Manager before the Custodian provides a final approval for the settlement. To learn how to provide approvals with an API request please refer to the section “Approve Request”.

In the section "Operate on Tradelink As A Liquidity Provider (Exchange)" further below, we will describe how an exchange or more generally settlement platforms can generate a settlement request, and what actions they are required to take.


When in need of accessing the balance available in the collateral account, the asset manager can raise a request to withdraw assets. Such a request will need to be approved by the Custodian as defined in the governance rules established during the network setup by the network administrator.

IMPORTANT: By raising such a request the Asset Manager must ensure that there is sufficient available balance to withdraw that is not currently pledged. If the Asset Manager wants to withdraw assets that are currently pledged, a request for un-pledging of assets will need to be raised using the method described in the section above “ASSET MANAGER PLEDGE/UNPLEDGE REQUEST CREATION”.

Pending API endpoint for withdrawal request

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