What's new - 2019

November 2019 - Version 2.3.0

November 2019 - Version 2.3.0

  • You can now export your transaction data in a CSV file directly from the Ledger Vault platform. Using the different filters available on the Transactions page you are able to select the relevant data and transactions to export.


  • It is now possible for a user who has already approved a transaction to abort it.
  • Improved transaction fee computation for ERC-20 tokens.
  • The Ledger Vault now supports 1341 ERC-20 tokens, please find the full list here .
  • Overall speed and stability enhancements for the Ledger Blue application and the Ledger Vault web portal.

October 2019 - Version 2.2.0

October 2019 - Version 2.2.0

  • Ripple (XRP) is now supported on the Ledger Vault.

A new field has been added to the Create transaction page to allow entering a Destination tag for addresses that require one.

Be aware that:

  • The account won't be active before it receives 20 XRP, and you'll be required to hold a minimum of 20 XRP at all times.
  • You'll be prevented from creating a transaction if your account's total balance falls below 20 XRP.
  • Transactions below 20 XRP sent to inactive Ripple accounts aren't permitted by the network and will fail.
  • It's now possible to synchronize your account's dashboard with the latest information from the blockchain network by clicking the synchronize button in the top right corner.
  • WebUSB is now supported on the Ledger Vault platform. This allows Windows users, who recently made the update to version 1903, to access the platform seamlessly using their Personal Security Device.

This update is the consequence of changes made to the U2F libraries – used to establish a communication channel between the computer and the Personal Security Device – that prevented users from connecting to the platform.

WebUSB is optional and can be activated from the Sign-in page by selecting the WebUSB option in the top right corner.

Once done, you'll be required to pair your device with your Chrome browser when you first sign in:

  1. Connect your device and enter your PIN code.
  2. On the web app, enter your workspace name.
  3. Click Sign in .
  4. Select the name of your device in the Chrome dialog, and click Connect .
  5. On your device, tap Sign in .

You'll be required to pair your device each time you clear your cache or use a different computer.

  • Overall speed and UI enhancements.


  • You can now review the details of an account and edit it directly from the Accounts page by clicking the vertical ellipsis menu.
  • The Personal Security Device will now directly take you to the Ledger Vault app welcome screen after switching it on. And, it'll no longer prompt you to enter your PIN code before approving requests.

Note that the device automatically locks after a set time of inactivity and therefore requires you to enter your PIN code to unlock it. To increase the auto-lock delay, close the Ledger Vault app and go to the Settings > Device page.

  • Improved the performance and speed of the Ledger Vault platform.
  • The Dashboard page will now be referred to as the Home page.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed a bug where you could create a transaction in all ERC20 token accounts linked to the same parent Ethereum account at the same time, which resulted in these transactions to fail. To solve this, you'll now only be able to create one transaction at a time in all of these accounts and wait until the transaction is broadcasted before creating new one.


The Coinplace ETH account is linked to 3 children ERC20 token accounts (Account A, Account B, and Account C). If a transaction is pending in Account A, you won't be able to create a transaction in Account C before it's broadcasted to the blockchain network.

  • Fixed an issue where the number of transaction approvals couldn't be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the approval workflow couldn't be displayed.

July 2019 - Version 2.0.0

July 2019 - Version 2.0.0

  • New Operator role:
    • The Operator role has been added. Previously Administrators were able to manage the platform and create transactions. In this release, Operators will now be the only users able to handle transactions. Depending on their permissions, they'll either be able to create and approve transactions or approve them only. This permission is defined when creating the account.
    • Operators will have a dedicated device which will only require a PIN code to be used.
    • Operators can only access and create transactions on accounts where they have been authorized by Administrators.
  • Updates to the Administrator role:
    • Administrators will now only take care of the platform's management, they cannot create or approve transactions.
    • Administrators can create, edit or delete groups, create or edit accounts, and invite, revoke or suspend users on the workspace.
    • Your workspace admin rule can now be edited by Administrators at any time after the Onboarding.
  • General updates:
    • When creating accounts, the transaction rules option has been enhanced to allow you to define an approval workflow where a transaction can go through up to four different steps before it's broadcasted to the blockchain network.
    • Improved user interfaces on the web application and Ledger Blue Enterprise.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue where the Vault couldn't be used on regular Internet browsers because of an update of device interaction libraries.
  • Fixed an issue where only 8 Administrators could be added to a workspace. This limit has been increased to 20 Administrators.
  • Fixed an issue where the transaction fee calculation failed.
  • Improved the performance and speed of the Vault platform.
  • Resumed support for the BCH blockchain.

April 2019 - Version 1.3.0

April 2019 - Version 1.3.0

  • It's now possible to get the xPub of each account created on your Ledger Vault workspace. The xPub allows you to monitor your accounts' activity to meet your reporting needs.

You mustn't derive receiving addresses from the xPUB as incoming funds won't be accessible from the Ledger Vault.


  1. Click the Settings icon on the Account page.
  2. Click Copy xPub under the Advanced section.
  3. Select the I understand option to confirm you won't use the xPub to derive receiving addresses.
  4. Click Copy xPub.
  5. When creating ERC20 token transactions, it's now possible to send the entire balance.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue where transaction requests weren't properly closed on the HSM resulting in the impossibility to create new ones.
  • Fixed an issue where Ethereum and ERC 20 token transactions were failing.
  • Improved the performance and reliability of the Ethereum explorer.

March 2019 - Version 1.2.0

March 2019 - Version 1.2.0

  • The Settings page, which was accessible from the top navigation, is now available from the account's dashboard by clicking in the top right corner. It displays general information, such as the exchange rate platform used. You can also select the unit in which the balance of the account is displayed.

The Settings page isn't available on ERC20 account dashboards.

  • The exchange rate platform, from which the countervalue is indexed, is now dynamic and gets its value from the most accurate website.
  • When creating an account, you can now search for ERC20 tokens by ticker and smart contract address.
  • It's now possible to create an Ethereum account along with a new ERC20 account. However, the Ethereum account will have the view-only status until you provide its transaction rules. For more information, see Workspace administration .
  • Due to a hard fork, it's not currently possible to create Komodo and Bitcoin Cash transactions.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue where clicking outside of the New account request and New transaction request dialogs closed the page and required you to redo the process.
  • Fixed an issue where you were able to create accounts with less than 2 members or less than 2 approvals. You'll now be required to select at least 2 members and 2 approvals when creating accounts.

January 2019 - Version 1.1.0

January 2019 - Version 1.1.0

  • The Ledger Vault now supports Ethereum and over 1,000 ERC20 tokens. Click here to download the full list of supported ERC20 tokens.
  • The New account and New transaction wizards have been updated to consider ERC20 tokens constraints, such as the need for an Ethereum account to pay gas fees. For more information, see Create a transaction , Create an account , and Workspace administration .
  • The Ledger Blue Enterprise firmware has been updated. Follow the Update the Ledger Vault app steps to migrate to the new version.
  • General UI improvements, including the following:
    • Account dashboard: Additional information on the account are displayed, such as the cryptocurrency and Index, the list of members, approval scheme etc.
    • New transaction wizard: Now displays the total amount to be sent in the bottom left corner.
    • Last transactions: Incoming and outgoing transactions are now easily identifiable thanks to icons.

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